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FloraCura nimmt für die Herstellung der Uressenzen für die MirianaFlowers Bachblüten und Bach-Globuli exakt die von Dr. Edward Bach beschriebenen Pflanzen. Die Gewinnung der Uressenzen und Stockbottles erfolgt in traditioneller Handarbeit nach den Vorgaben von Dr. Bach, die im Britischen Homöopathischen Arzneibuch (British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia) niedergeschrieben sind.
The British Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia includes the methods how to prepare the Bach mother tinctures:
Method BR9 preparation of a Bach mother tincture by the sun method:
The sun method is used to prepare mother tinctures from flowers which bloom during the late spring and in the summer whwn the sun is most powerful. The operation is carried out at the site of the plants or trees, starting at around 9am on a sunny settled day. 50 parts of water are added to a suitably sized glass container, ensuring the level of water reaches the brim. 1 part of flower-heads, picked just below the calyx or the flowering spikes, is floated on the surface of the water in the glass container. This is left for 3 hours in full sunshine. The flower-heads are then removed and the water filtered into a glass bottle. This is the basic Bach mother tincture, prepared by the Sun Method. It is mixed with an equal volume of Brandy and vigorously shaken. It should be stored in a cool dark place.
This is further diluted 1 part in 500 with ethanol (22%) w/w.
This final dilution approximates to the homoeopathic potency 5X
Method BR10 preparation of a Bach mother tincture by the boiling method:
The Boiling Method is used to prepare mother tinctures from flowers and twigs of the trees, bushes and plants which bloom early in the year before there is much sunshine. At about 9am on a sunny settled day, sufficient flowering sprays and leaves are collected to provide 1 part of plant material, which is placed in a glass vessel and 10 parts of water added. This is boiled for half an hour then allowed to cool.
The solution is then decanted and filtered into a glass bottle. This is the basic Bach mother tincture, prepared by the Boiling Method. It is mixed with an equal volume of Brandy and vigorously shaken. It should be stored in a cool dark place.
This is further diluted 1 part in 500 with ethanol (22%) w/w.
This final dilution approximates to the homoeopathic potency 5X
Infocenter: Allgemeines A-Z | Bachblüten & Anwendung A-Z